
Mensagem de Renovação para o Ano Novo: INUTILIA TRUNCAT!

É evidente que 2020 trouxe muitas mudanças e dificuldades para todo o mundo. E parece que 2021 pode trazer mais incertezas do que esperança. Como navegar no ANO NOVO ? Lembro-me de uma frase que aprendi na aula de Literatura: INUTILIA TRUNCAT . Inutilia truncat (latim) significa "corte o que é inútil", como cortar folhas e galhos inúteis. Mas por que devemos fazer isso e como isso se aplica à nossa vida diária no ano novo? Por quê? Porque o essencial é o que traz e mantém a vida. E o que não é essencial é um obstáculo à vida. Mas, primeiro, é preciso determinar o que é 'útil' e o que é 'inútil'! (Devemos ter a habilidade de discernir um do outro). Assim, essas perguntas permanecem: O que é essencial? (E o que não é?) Ilustrarei minha resposta com duas fotos da minha "Euphorbia Pulcherrima", também conhecida como Poinsétia:    Figura 1: Corte (poda) dos ramos e folhas em excesso que prejudicam a alimentação (seiva) dos caules...

New Year's Renewal Message: INUTILIA TRUNCAT!

It is evident that 2020 has brought many changes and hardships to the whole world.  And it looks like 2021 may bring more uncertainty than hope. How can we navigate into the NEW YEAR? I am reminded of a phrase I learned in Literature class: INUTILIA TRUNCAT. Inutilia truncat (Latin) means "cut that which is useless," as in cutting off useless leaves and branches. But why should we do it, and how does that apply to our daily lives in the New Year?   Why? Because the essential is what brings and keeps life. And the unessential stands in the way of life. But first, we must determine what is 'useful' and what is 'useless'! (We must have the ability to discern one from the other). Thus, these questions remain:  What is essential? (And what is not?) I will illustrate my answer with two pictures of my "Euphorbia Pulcherrima," aka Poinsettia: Picture 1: Cutting off (pruning) the excessive branches and leaves that detract nourishment (sap) from the main stem...

Our Euphorbia Pulcherrima is Still Alive!

Christmas season + beautiful warm colors = a heart-warming combination! And our heart-warming, vivid-red Euphorbia Pulcherrima, which we have had since last Christmas,   is still alive!  (Yes, the  Euphorbia Pulcherrima is   also known as Poinsettia ¹ !)  Knowing that poinsettias require temperatures above 60  F (15.5  C) to survive (as they are originally from the regions of Mexico and Central America), we have given our poinsettia wheels! Poinsettia-on-wheels! What? On wheels?  — you might ask. Yes! Look at the pictures! And now that our poinsettia is on wheels, we can quickly and effortlessly move it to wherever the sun is shining. As poinsettias, we also need sunlight and warm hearts to survive and thrive. Thus, have a heart-warming, sunshine-filled Christmas! ¹

Ladies and Gentlemen: Narcissus is Here!

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall: Who is the best of all? I, ME, MINE. Narcissistic, albeit non-realistic, I rather feel majestic. Look at me: I am ecstatic! I will lie, distort, and scheme. Manipulation is my cunning game. Your unsuspecting heart is my aim. Woe to you if you stand up to me,  For I am conniving, cunningly able  To blame, accuse, and call you 'unstable.' Empathy is gibberish I do not know how to care Discord makes me feverish I love to be your nightmare! They say love is patient, love is kind Yet, I possess or oppress your mind Till you succumb to your own fleshly pride   I am Narcissus*, a plotter of grandiose heists Ironically, unbeknownst to me, I am merely an underling Of the antichrist!  ......................... 2 Timothy 3 King James Version 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without nat...

Hannah Madelyn

  Today, Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanah But I, in Jesus, celebrate Hannah: My granddaughter from Atlanta! Autumn is about to begin Yet, a year ago, time stood still: There arrived Hannah Madelyn! Grandma loves your happy blue eyes  Your giggly laughs and smiles You are such a cuddly little pumpkin My sweet and cute Hannah Madelyn! May you and your big sister Emilia Grace Always be best friends  And be close, come what may  For pure love surpasses any distance Though Grandma may be physically absent Jesus can make miracles come true: He helps Grandma’s love reach you So, in spirit, she is always present! Have a Happy, Happy Birthday, My adorable and loving  Hannah Madelyn!

Should Christians forgive?

To understand what forgiveness truly means, it is necessary to understand what truth is. Some people claim their truth is the truth. How do they know? They just choose to claim their perception of the facts as their truth , and,  therefore, they swear by it.  To wear the banner of truth as one perceives it is a dangerous path. It can cause misunderstanding, conflict, and, ultimately, chaos. It is a path permeated with false perceptions, misconceptions, and unforgiveness. Why should Christians forgive? Because God has forgiven them first. So, is there still unforgiveness in your heart? If there is, examine yourself. Are you seeing the truth about the facts or just what you believe to be your truth ? Are you choosing to hold on to unforgiveness to justify your self-pity and remain stuck in the victim/orphan mentality? Are you still blaming others for your failures or lack of discipline? Wallowing in envy and jealousy but doing nothing to fulfill the dreams God wants you to ...


Poesia é ventania: Bate de repente Sacode, surpreende N ã o se anuncia...   E logo se desmancha em brisa leve (T ã o leve que n ã o se escreve)