
The Show

So here I am, on a windy afternoon Watching the best show ever: Passing clouds, gray, white, Flying curtains brushing the windows of my eyes Revealing and concealing blue hues of a shy sky This moving show moves me within I am a leaf that stirs in the tree But yearns to be free Whilst my thoughts consider this scene Of howling gusts on the cumulus nimbus The strangest thing happens: I get carried away ... awake in this dream!


S entimentos infinitos misturam-se em meu íntimo A ntes nunca foi difícil ver passarem-se as semanas U ma centelha diminuta que consome e cria anseios D e que adianta o desespero dos minutos que se arrastam? A vida deveria ser curtida a cada ínfimo segundo! D entre todos os momentos, somente poucos realmente valem: E les são como pequenos grãos isolados, porém, embora nossos,  caem, também, nas lembranças felizes de um passado... 

The Halo

A mother's love, oh so dear The Lord made soft yet strong to endure Whatever toil, storm, or nightmare In constant vigil, ever so near... A mother's heart bears no fear: Springing mercies and prayers, Pierces its halo up onto heaven  And melts the heart of God!

The Treasure Map to Secret Wisdom

Are you in search of that which is secret? Secret ...  ... Knowledge ...  ... Power ...   ... Treasures ...          ... Immortality ... Wisdom beyond human capabilities ?  It is in a book, hidden from most people.  Even from the most intelligent people, it is hidden.  It has been available to some,  and hidden from others for a long, long time. I am, for no merit of my own, counted among those who have chosen to seek, find, and share this secret with others.  I can try to show it to you,  but I cannot guarantee you will be able to see it and understand it. My ardent hope is that you will. Here are some clues : "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;  the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." (1) "No, we speak of God's secret wisdom among the mature, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age under...

On Independence Day and what Independence means for Americans

INDEPENDENCE DAY, 4TH OF JULY: On this day, we, the people of the United States of America, will celebrate our country's INDEPENDENCE! INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM, though, are NEVER FREE: they ALWAYS cost someone blood, sweat, tears, and eternal vigilance... INDEPENDENCE has always come as a result of wars that have been fought, of all the brave people who have died so we could have our freedom: freedom of speech, religion, freedom to even share our photos and messages on our Facebook pages, phones, and blogs - just to give the silliest example... In some countries, people cannot choose how many children they may have, who they may marry, their religion or ruler, to say nothing of women: in many countries, they have absolutely NO RIGHTS! I could go on and on about fundamental rights, such as LIFE, a gift from God, DENIED and taken away without freedom of choice... While we celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY on this  4th of July, it would be wise to keep our eyes ...

Receita para uma “Feliz Páscoa” de verdade!

Aviso : esta é uma receita que dura para sempre, de alegria, perdão e satisfação eternos. Você nunca terá sede ou fome novamente. Você viverá para sempre. Você vai querer partilhá-la com o mundo inteiro! Ingrediente principal: Jesus Cristo Modo de preparar: 1)  Abra seu coração para as boas novas: Que Jesus Cristo ... ... é o Filho de Deus, um com o Pai e o Espírito Santo desde o início... ...nasceu de uma virgem... ... é a ‘luz do mundo’: Emanuel=Deus conosco; um bebê, nascido por você e por mim... ... é o caminho, a verdade e a vida, o único caminho para o céu e vida eterna... ...que enviou o Espírito Santo para viver dentro daqueles que recebem a Ele, Jesus Cristo,  como  Senhor... ... é o Rei dos reis, Senhor dos senhores, o grande “Eu Sou”, “Cordeiro de Deus”, que morreu na cruz e derramou Seu sangue como o sacrifício derradeiro de amor por toda a ... que ressucitou ao terceiro dia e ascendeu ao céu  e está sentado ao...

Recipe for a truly "Happy Easter"

WARNING :  This is a 4-step recipe of everlasting joy, forgiveness, and eternal satisfaction. You will want to share it with the whole world! You will never go hungry or thirsty again. You will live forever. Main ingredient:   Jesus Christ How to prepare: 1. Open your heart to the good news: That Jesus Christ ... ... is the Son of God, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit  from the beginning... ... was born of a virgin... ... is the ‘light of the world’: Immanuel = God with us; ... a baby, born for you and for me...   ... is the way, the truth, and the life, the only way to heaven and eternal life... ... who has sent the Holy Spirit to live within those who receive Him,  Jesus Christ, as Lord ... ... is King of kings, Lord of lords, the great ‘I Am’, the ‘Lamb of God’,  who died on the cross and shed His blood  as the ultimate sacrifice of love for all mankind... ...who rose o...