
A Baby's Prayer

This is the title of a song by Kathy Troccoli: "A Baby's Prayer" And below are the lyrics...  Read and listen with your heart...    Imagine... If a baby could talk, this baby had a prayer to say: I can hear her talking with a friend I think it's all about me Oh how she can't have a baby now My mommy doesn't see That I feel her breathe, I know her voice Her blood, it flows through my heart God you know my greatest wish is that We'd never be apart But if I should die before I wake I pray her soul you'll keep Forgive her Lord, she doesn't know That you gave life to me Do I really have to say goodbye Don't want this time to be through Oh please tell her that I love her Lord And that you love her too Cause if I should die before I wake I pray her soul you'll keep Forgive her Lord, she doesn't know That you gave life to me On the days when she may think of me Please comfort her wi...

On Thanksgiving and Love...

Just consider these moments, imagine these scenes: Someone is engrossed in something he or she really enjoys doing ... and you just love to watch that scene ... You see the falling leaves of the trees, gold, red, yellow and in-between... and you welcome the changing of the seasons ... You hear a baby's giggles when parents or caregivers play with him/her joyfully...and it warms your heart... A dog comes to its owner, tail-a-wagging, with playful eyes... and you want to be loved just like that ... There is peace in your home and in your heart, all is well with your soul... and you just sigh that sigh of thankfulness that comes from a grateful heart... When you cherish those special moments... m oments of thanksgiving, gratitude, adoration ...  The little and big things that bring joy to people's lives... ..and this list goes on and on... (how could I ever purport to list what love is?) But if you want to know what Thanksgiving is? It is a hea...

H - A - L - T

Dealing with discouragement? We all do at times. A Christian pastor developed a sermon around the acronym HALT . I thought about it a lot and decided to HALT to think about its meaning. And here is what it means: H - A - L - T H = Hungry A = Angry L = Lonely T = Tired The pastor's message warned us of the dangers of ever being: Too Hungry Too Angry Too Lonely Too Tired Wow, I thought... brought to extreme levels, each state in itself would be enough to cause us trouble and lead us into doing things we'd surely come to regret later - to say nothing of a combination of those or, worst of all, experiencing ALL the HALT states at the same time!... So I have come to realize the wisdom of HALT b ecause God loves us and desires to help us find more balance in our lives. And it is from Him that we find that extra strength and mercy to also help others achieve balance. "Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a cha...

Sobre PAIS e Dia dos Pais : Teoria, Prática e Misericórdia

A) Que é um Pai? Existem vários: 1) Pai Celestial: O Pai que nos criou antes mesmo que viéssemos a este mundo. Nosso Pai do Céu. 2) Pai biológico: nosso pai desta terra que contribuiu com sua heranca genética para nos conceber, fertilizando o óvulo da nossa mãe biológica dentro do corpo dela (concepção). 3) Nossos pais não-biológicos neste mundo: um ou mais homens que substituíram ou ajudaram nosso pai biológico a nos criar e educar durante nossas vidas terrenas - durante um certo período ou por um tempo mais prolongado. Eles são figuras paternas - avós, padrastos, tios, mentores, irmãos mais velhos, professores, amigos, pastores, etc. B) O que faz um pai digno de ser celebrado: 1) Que ele nos tenha criado (gerado) - Pai Celestial e pai biológico. 2) Que ele nos tenha amado, provido por nós; que nos tenha protegido e afirmado, abençoado e guiado no caminho correto, a fim de nos tornarmos homens e mulheres fortes (Pai celestial, pai biológico e pais não-biológ...

How to counter Terror once and for all

Terror threatens... wreaks havoc. Shakes our foundations. Explodes. Murders. At times, mass murders. Terror works against the most natural laws... the laws of life. Brings Death. Premature Death. An early end to what was created to live longer. It is incomprehensible. Indecipherable. Unacceptable. Terror is Evil. It is raging wars of fear. Fear is Terror's most evil weapon. Counteracting Terror demands courage. Courage defeats Fear. How can we win this war? How can we counter Terror once and for all? Is it possible? It starts in the hearts and minds. It starts with the right and sound knowledge of what life and death mean. What is life? What is death? When does one start and when does it end? Does life end with death? What kind of society are we building? Why should an unborn human being deserve less compassion than born ones? Just because we can see those who have been born it does not make them more important. But yes, it may be easier to ignore a l...

A Heart in Love is...

A beautiful bird trembling in the breeze Fluttering wings in the mist  All its being  b eating for The One Dreaming the moment o f bliss   


D ivina estrela d’alva, d’aurora, d’alvorada: raiaste e permaneceste, altiva e solitária, mais tempo  no firmamento da madrugada! A lvoreces sempre radiosa, irradiando esperança: és Mãe, Amiga, Avó, Criança! L uminosa, iluminas a todos com tua alegria que contagia: és Mestra, Irmã, ‘Simpa-Tia’! V itoriosa, com Deus vences as justas batalhas que inicias: és cheia de incandescente energia! A bençoada, abençoas, generosa, seja quem for: qual estrela cadente, deixas, por onde passas, um rastro do amor do Criador! Eu te amo, Mamãe !!!