
A Heart in Love is...

A beautiful bird trembling in the breeze Fluttering wings in the mist  All its being  b eating for The One Dreaming the moment o f bliss   


D ivina estrela d’alva, d’aurora, d’alvorada: raiaste e permaneceste, altiva e solitária, mais tempo  no firmamento da madrugada! A lvoreces sempre radiosa, irradiando esperança: és Mãe, Amiga, Avó, Criança! L uminosa, iluminas a todos com tua alegria que contagia: és Mestra, Irmã, ‘Simpa-Tia’! V itoriosa, com Deus vences as justas batalhas que inicias: és cheia de incandescente energia! A bençoada, abençoas, generosa, seja quem for: qual estrela cadente, deixas, por onde passas, um rastro do amor do Criador! Eu te amo, Mamãe !!! 

Salado, Salgado, mais uma história?

Quem poderia imaginar que esse vilarejo chamado Salado, bem no coraçãozinho do Texas, de salgado   não tem nada? Bem na rua principal, logo se avista uma 'boutique' de doces e guloseimas para todos os gostos! Mas não só de sabores vive Salado! Quer visitante ou habitante, ninguém pode deixar de notar o aspecto histórico, cultural e artístico desta cidadezinha tão pitoresca, que remonta aos tempos dos vaqueiros e bandidos, peregrinos em breve pouso da longa e perigosa jornada - uns em busca de sustento; outros, de fortuna fácil. Hoje em dia ainda permanecem os antigos hotéis e pousadas, restaurantes e imponentes residências dos tempos de outrora, preservados como patrimônio histórico e bem sinalizados com suas placas, datas e estátuas. O ‘Stagecoach Inn ’ , hotel e restaurante, continua aberto para receber aqueles hóspedes e clientes ávidos em reviver o charme do Texas dos 1800s. Paladares aparte, visitar Salado não é salgado, muito menos insípido: é recordar o não-v...


Yes, early this morning, on our way to work, my husband and I DID IT: we VOTED EARLY! Why earlier than the Presidential Election Day? Well, we have made our decision earlier, it’s that simple! To make wise decisions it is crucial to keep an attentive eye on the news via several media outlets (TV, radio, internet), and talk to people everywhere we go.  And we have done that! But, above all, we are American citizens living in America amidst other Americans. We know what is going on. And it is crucial to keep an eye on the TRUTH of our country’s reality! I have developed a very simple quiz about the United States of America, and I invite you - or someone you know - to take it (don’t give up reading if you don’t know the answers: do your homework!!!): 1) National Debt: is it higher now? 2)  Unemployment rate: is it higher now?  3) Fo od stamps: are there more people on food stamps now? 4) Fuel prices: are they higher now?  5) Iran’...


INDEPENDENCE DAY, 4TH OF JULY: Today, we, the people of the United States of America, celebrate our country's INDEPENDENCE! INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM, though, are NEVER FREE: they ALWAYS cost someone blood, sweat, tears, and eternal vigilance... INDEPENDENCE has always come as a result of wars that have been fought, of all the brave people who have died so we could have our freedom: freedom of speech, religion, freedom to even share our photos and messages on our Facebook pages, phones, and blogs - just to give the silliest example ... In some countries people cannot choose how many children they may have, who they may marry, their religion or ruler, to say nothing of women: in many countries, they have absolutely NO RIGHTS! I could go on and on about fundamental rights, such as LIFE itself, a gift from God, DENIED, and taken away without freedom of choice...  While we celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY on this 4th of July, it would be wise to keep our eyes and ears on wh...

On Fathers and Father's Day: Theory, Practice and Mercy

A) Who is a Father? 1) Heavenly Father: The Father who created us  even  before we came to this world.  Our Father in Heaven. 2) Biological father: our earthly father  who contributed his biological and genetic inheritance to conceive us,  fertilizing our biological mother's egg inside her body (conception). 3) Non-biological earthly fathers: one or more men  who have substituted for or helped our biological father  raise us during our earthly lives at one time or for longer periods. They are father-figures, such as grandfathers, stepfathers, uncles, mentors, older brothers, teachers, friends, pastors, etc. B) What makes a father worthy to celebrate: 1) That he has created us (Heavenly Father and biological father). 2) That he has loved us, provided for us, protected us, affirmed us, blessed us, and guided us in the right path so that we can become prepared and strong men and women (Heavenly, Biological and Non-biological fathers). And in s...

Oh, Glorious Day!!!

To my Savior: My Jesus, on this beautiful Saturday of May, today, I can say: oh, glorious day!!! All because You have created me, loved me, forgiven me, and You dwell in the temple of my heart... My Lord and Savior, Creator of the Universe, one with the Father from the beginning, what can I say? Words, thoughts, tears, joy and all of me is Yours, I belong to You completely, no end, no start!!! FOREVER in the shelter of your arms! Of The Great I AM, I am: Yours. Oh, Glorious Day!!!...