

INDEPENDENCE DAY, 4TH OF JULY: Today, we, the people of the United States of America, celebrate our country's INDEPENDENCE! INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM, though, are NEVER FREE: they ALWAYS cost someone blood, sweat, tears, and eternal vigilance... INDEPENDENCE has always come as a result of wars that have been fought, of all the brave people who have died so we could have our freedom: freedom of speech, religion, freedom to even share our photos and messages on our Facebook pages, phones, and blogs - just to give the silliest example ... In some countries people cannot choose how many children they may have, who they may marry, their religion or ruler, to say nothing of women: in many countries, they have absolutely NO RIGHTS! I could go on and on about fundamental rights, such as LIFE itself, a gift from God, DENIED, and taken away without freedom of choice...  While we celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY on this 4th of July, it would be wise to keep our eyes and ears on wh...

On Fathers and Father's Day: Theory, Practice and Mercy

A) Who is a Father? 1) Heavenly Father: The Father who created us  even  before we came to this world.  Our Father in Heaven. 2) Biological father: our earthly father  who contributed his biological and genetic inheritance to conceive us,  fertilizing our biological mother's egg inside her body (conception). 3) Non-biological earthly fathers: one or more men  who have substituted for or helped our biological father  raise us during our earthly lives at one time or for longer periods. They are father-figures, such as grandfathers, stepfathers, uncles, mentors, older brothers, teachers, friends, pastors, etc. B) What makes a father worthy to celebrate: 1) That he has created us (Heavenly Father and biological father). 2) That he has loved us, provided for us, protected us, affirmed us, blessed us, and guided us in the right path so that we can become prepared and strong men and women (Heavenly, Biological and Non-biological fathers). And in s...

Oh, Glorious Day!!!

To my Savior: My Jesus, on this beautiful Saturday of May, today, I can say: oh, glorious day!!! All because You have created me, loved me, forgiven me, and You dwell in the temple of my heart... My Lord and Savior, Creator of the Universe, one with the Father from the beginning, what can I say? Words, thoughts, tears, joy and all of me is Yours, I belong to You completely, no end, no start!!! FOREVER in the shelter of your arms! Of The Great I AM, I am: Yours. Oh, Glorious Day!!!... 


We just watched a movie on Inspiration Channel last Sunday about people in the late 1700s who dedicated their whole lives to fighting Slave Trade in the British Empire - and ultimately it was legally abolished in 1807. The name of the movie is 'Amazing Grace' ( We are all sinners....... Sin is sin! And it is God's AMAZING GRACE, as the hymn declares, "that saved a wretch like me"... and all sinners! "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me... I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see. T'was Grace that taught... my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear... the hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils, and snares... we have already come. T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far... and Grace will lead us home. The Lord has promised good to me... His word my hope secures. He will my s...

Spring the Spring in me

The clock says it's about 8:30 of the last Saturday of March 2012. I know it's an hour earlier, though, due to daylight savings. I am sitting on my front porch. It's cloudy, foggy, humid, the grass all dewy. The birds chirp and offer their melodies, odes to a new day, all and each altercating and yet mixing their different, unique songs. Some have more than one note to offer, others do the best they can with their single note, making it a 6-note quick phrase which screams "I've got something to sing about, and it's important!" Enveloped in the outdoors, I listen, watch, breathe, and feel the gentle breeze and the leaves that move, their sound... At times, a gusty breeze blows only on some trees and plants. Oh, how I love mysterious weather!... The sound of it reminds me of the sound of the waves when I watch the sea... At times all is placid, then comes a wind... or a wave. The Creator is speaking to me, His creature, through all He has created... No...


Eu me lembro bem de quando, ainda adolescente, t rancada na privacidade do meu quarto ou em algum recanto ao ar livre, eu lhe escrevia – tinha meu di ário para Deus, meu Pai do C éu! Aquela adolescente ainda continua viva, pulsante, mais do que nunca vibrante em mim! E ambos sabemos que o Senhor j á sabe tudo – cada palavra e sentimento, expresso ou n ão – passado, presente e futuro! Mas como é bom reviver o escrever do Di ário! Di ário que n ão é escrito todo dia , mas que registra os piques do gr áfico do meu sentir... E como desejaria poder encontrar todos os cadernos, folhas avulsas, bloquinhos, desenhos, rabiscos, anota ções – tudo que escrevi, peda ç os de mim, perdidos! Quem sabe n ão seja eu capaz de, num delicioso e doloroso esfor ço, arregimentar esse acervo perdido pelo mundo, talvez buscando-o em fragmentos nas profundezas abissais da minha mem ória?! Com a emo ção invocaria essas mem órias, qui çás p álidos espectros de outros tempos... palavras soltas, part...

Letter to our Fellow American Christians, here and abroad

Dear Fellow American Christians, serving in America or abroad: Some people say the 'American Dream' is a selfish dream. That it does not belong in the life of a Christian. However, as Christians, we must realize that the real 'American Dream' has been distorted by sin, by the secular world and all the mainstream media that reflect it, imposing all the wrong and distorted ideas on us and on the youth - even in educational institutions!  From the very beginning, the American Dream was formed out of prayer and a desire for freedom, which laid the foundation of the Constitution of the United States. On July 4, 1776, the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America (Declaration of Independence) laid out these principles: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Ou...