
Showing posts with the label tree

Early Signs

 I glance with sleepy eyes into my backyard. By the creek, I spot this unsightly tree Its “oh-not-even-a-week-ago” bare branches  are now barely adorned in white! And, oh, I suddenly sense a fresh-linen scent as the gentle breeze frolics around  the timid and scantily dressed new petals! Ahh, the  early signs  of Spring springing! It is early March in central Texas and Winter is saying goodbye to my now wide-awake eyes. More than ever, I am reminded of the early signs of God’s revelations. All around, early signs: blooming in His creation and springing from His Word. Creation and salvation (or judgment) are revelations of the same wonderful, gracious, loving, and almighty God. Are we to be as unsightly trees, skeleton-bare branches, out of focus in the wintry distance? It is urgent we bloom with the abundant life which only springs from Christ! Then, and only then, will the gentle but mighty breeze of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit move within and around us to...

The Show

So here I am, on a windy afternoon Watching the best show ever: Passing clouds, gray, white, Flying curtains brushing the windows of my eyes Revealing and concealing blue hues of a shy sky This moving show moves me within I am a leaf that stirs in the tree But yearns to be free Whilst my thoughts consider this scene Of howling gusts on the cumulus nimbus The strangest thing happens: I get carried away ... awake in this dream!