Each person is different! Each individual person in the world has his or her own views and system of values (genetics, culture, laws of the country in which one lives, faith, etc), making each of us see reality through different lenses. But the TRUTH (that which ‘is’, in spite of what we may believe or think) never changes, no matter how we may interpret it. Each person may even see reality (right and wrong, real and unreal, legal and illegal, good and evil) according to his or her system of values and individual characteristics, but there is a TRUTH about what exists that is beyond our total comprehension. We do not have all the answers and explanations, but they EXIST! Two things exist, undeniably: the TRUTH and FREE WILL. If each one of us were able to acquire at least a bit of wisdom to deal with our own ignorance of the total TRUTH… And if we were capable of experimenting with our FREE WILL with awareness of the fundamental laws to...