Each person is different!
Each individual person in the world has his or her own views and system of values  (genetics, culture, laws of the country in which one lives, faith, etc),
making each of us see reality through different lenses.

But the TRUTH (that which ‘is’, in spite of what we may believe or think) never changes, no matter how we may interpret it.

Each person may even see reality
(right and wrong, real and unreal, legal and illegal, good and evil)
according to his or her system of values and individual characteristics,
but there is a TRUTH about what exists
that is beyond our total comprehension.
We do not have all the answers and explanations, but they EXIST!

Two things exist, undeniably: the TRUTH and FREE WILL.

If each one of us were able to acquire at least a bit of wisdom
to deal with our own ignorance of the total TRUTH…
And if we were capable of experimenting with our FREE WILL
with awareness of the fundamental laws to protect life,
be it human or any other form of life on the planet and in the universe...
Then we would be closer to comprehending
that ‘nothing really makes sense if there is no LOVE’.

The awareness of our limitations brings humility.
Humility makes us look outside of ourselves.
To have compassion.
Compassion demands charity.
And charity is love in action.
Love realized in charity does not depend on who gives or who receives it:
It cures all, restores all, strengthens all.
It purifies. Cheers. Unites. Humanizes. Gives meaning.
Love in action is DIVINE!

And here I place myself...
Here is the TRUTH in which I believe with all my heart:
The Holy Bible is the word of God,
The only word of God, the TRUTH.
The Holy Bible contains all the wisdom,
power and the promises of God
for all of us and for all of His creation.

In this world we are:
BODY (physical shell, guided by the five senses)
+ SOUL (mind, thoughts, emotions and feelings)
+ SPIRIT (spiritual, immortal being that receives the spiritual influence of good or evil)

When we only give attention to what the body 
sees, hears, smells, tastes or touches, 
then our SOUL only feels, thinks and reacts
according to the material, physical world.

When we give priority to the word of God
And we really believe that,
by receiving salvation through the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ
we receive all the promises and power
contained in His Holy Word...
Then our SOUL starts renewing its thoughts,
according to the word of God,
and we walk with the eyes of faith – no longer with our physical eyes.
We depend less and less on the influence of the BODY,
We believe more and more in the promises of God,
In spite of what our senses may be showing us at the moment.

By the renewal of our minds (SOUL)
And walking in the SPIRIT, we confess,
With our own words of faith,
The promises contained in the word of God…
And God, according to His will and word,
Materializes and makes concrete His promises in the physical world:
He manifests his promises, blessings, for us, and for all around us.

FEAR is an instrument of evil, of the devil (d-evil), to block our FAITH;
To make us believe in all the negative that the BODY
and the physical senses reveal to us...
To deny the promises of the word of God.

The devil wants us to doubt the manifestation
of the promises of God in our lives.

FAITH is an instrument of the good, of God,
To block FEAR.
We activate FAITH with our words,
constantly renewing our minds
and confessing (declaring) the promises of God
contained in His word.

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

1 Corinthians 13:12

How wonderful it is to really believe
That God has promised to never leave us
And that He is always with us!

“Never will I leave you’
never will I forsake you”
6 So we say with confidence,
“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?”

Hebrews 13:5-6

And there are so many other divine promises!
Let us study, meditate and declare the word of God!
Praised be God, who loves us so much and never leaves us!

Thank you, Lord, for your Love! Thank you, Jesus, for your redeeming sacrifice!
I love you more than anything!...

PS: (Ah, the eternal life, with a new body, and forever in the loving presence of God… all happiness!!!)

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