
At the age of four and a half, I asked my mother, a first-grade teacher in Brazil, to teach me to read and write.  And so she did. I learned the beautiful Portuguese language. From then on, I have delighted in the enchanted world of books and writing.

'But what about English?', you might ask. Well, it was also my mother who taught me the first English song, back in the early 1960s: "Que sera, sera, what will be, will be"

I would not be who I am today were it not for my mother.

The greatest lesson I have learned from her was TO BE HAPPY!

Thank you, mom, for being who you are, and helping me be who I am!

You cried with me, but I mostly remember your laugh and your smiles...

Through your eyes, I saw God's creation in Nature...

You showed me a rainbow forming from a drop of oil in a puddle of water...

We spotted animals in clouds, bugs in trees, the cute, the ugly, and the free...

Through your singing and your voice, I found myself singing... greeting each new day with a new song!

You always took your time to listen and to talk with me...

You have been a poet, a writer, a teacher, my inspiration.

You told me and the whole world that I could do it all, that I was intelligent, talented, a joy, a gift from God!

You have been my best friend, an angel on Earth, always there for me...

I love you with all my heart, and I thank God for you!

You are the best mom anybody could ever have!

Today, and every day: Happy Birthday, Mom!

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